Press Play on Player Experience: Level up Beyond Game Design

An Everest Group’s Whitepaper
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Do you know the real reason for players abandoning your game? Focus right here for the answer.

Everest Group’s whitepaper is a unique and in-depth research on the reasons that pinch the gaming industry the most. Despite the massive growth of the gaming industry at a total value of more than US$300 billion, most gaming studios lose players due to poor player experience.

The whitepaper uncovers an in-depth and well-researched narrative of the most critical aspects for gaming companies to counter the current challenges and thrive through future disruptions.

  • The best way forward to integrate PX strategy in your overall strategy
  • Ensure safety and real-time content moderation for your players; and more

Leave your details to get your copy of the first-ever in-depth research on player experience and ways to change your game

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